OH dance,
sha sha sha
I want to wake up energy morning and be able to dance all over the room. It would take a lot of time, hours turning round and round. Feel awake to catch a breathe to laugh out loud, jump to the kitchen and start preparing breakfast there. It won't take me more than three seconds to notice you standing almost naked there. Stop, step. Kiss and smile and then begin again. I will forget about dancing for some time, sounds around me fading slowly since I've noticed you and your silhoutte - then a few days inhalating your voice.
And I will be waiting you to appear here, green eyes watching me.
'Do you remember everything from yesterday?' - 'Of course I do, why ?' -'Great, you were a little bit drunk'. Music all over the place. We will find our way to make it , because we can dance. It' just a matter of practice. So, if we got time, we'll sort it out. Until that we have ourselves.
And ... after a few days we'll eventually find ourselves able to.

"You could frequently repeat it."

Come on babe, we've done it so many times, why not another one?